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6 Ways to Avoid Sore Throat During Your PTE Review Packages

A good speaking voice is essential when preparing in a PTE review center. You should not take your voice for granted because this is your weapon during your reviews. After all, the state of your voice can either make or break your performance in your Speaking test.

The vibration of your vocal cords produces the sound of your voice. When you are not speaking, your vocal cords open so you can breathe. The moment you speak, a series of movements in your vocal region that produce vibrations creating sounds. As for the different pitch in voices, this depends on the size and shape of a person’s vocal cords.

6 Ways to Avoid Sore Throat During Your PTE Review Packages

As a future practitioner, it is crucial to take care of your vocal cords because a cracked voice and a painful sore throat can have an impact not just in your work but on your overall health as well. 

To help you take care of your voice, here are some tips and ways you can do use to prevent painful throats and hoarse voice.

Drink plenty of water
Hydrating is an excellent way to prevent sore throat. Ideally, you should drink an average of 8 glasses of water a day. That is about 2 liters of water or half a gallon. However, water intake depends on your size, weight, and activity level on a day.

Limit alcohol and coffee intake
Alcohol irritates the mucus lining of your throat, causing pain. The same goes for caffeine as it causes the body to lose water, which leads to the drying of the vocal cords, creating an irritating feeling. 

Get enough rest
Having regular 8 hours of sleep will significantly help your throats. You may have experienced having a rusty voice after waking up for an early class. When you know that you are not a morning person, try having naps and find the right PTE review packages that match you. 

Know the signs
If your throat feels dry and you feel your voice is becoming hoarse, these are signs that your vocal cords are getting irritated. Avoid talking and yelling when not needed. When you feel pain, it is time to stop using your vocal cords entirely. Instead, hydrate your throat and give it some rest. Excessive use of your vocal cords may destroy it. 

Use a humidifier
Humidifying your home or work area is essential to keeping the air moist. Remember, you are trying to prevent your throat from drying, so it is crucial to keep your throat moist and hydrated. 

Have vocal naps
Vocal naps are short breaks that allow your vocal cords to rest to prevent too much exhaustion. These are important, especially if your occupation demands continuous talking.

In instances when worse comes to worst, and you can’t handle the pain that you are feeling. Do not be afraid to check in with a doctor. Earlier diagnosis of your sickness can prevent further damage in your throat.

Did you like this article? If so, you can check more on our Blog! You can also visit us for more PTE review packages


“10 Tips for a Healthy Voice.” Live Science. Accessed on October 2, 2019. Accessed from

“7 Tips on How to Keep Your Singing Voice Healthy.” School of Rock. Accessed on October 2, 2019. Accessed from

“Taking Care of Your Voice.” NIH. Accessed on October 2, 2019. Accessed from


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